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3 Wheeler 2014款优点

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3 Wheeler 2014款优点

  来自美国俄克拉荷马州的All-American Rejects乐队组建于1999年。乐队成员包括Tyson Ritter(主唱/贝斯手)、Nick Wheeler(吉他手)、Mike Kennerty(吉他手)和Chris Gaylor(鼓手)。其中Mike Kennerty和Chris Gaylor直到2002年才加盟进来。  乐队在2003年发行了他们的首张同名专辑 The All-American Rejects ,朗朗上口的歌词,精彩的吉他和solo丝毫没让乐迷失望。专辑里的 Swing Swing 还获得了2003年MTV音乐录影带最佳新人提名。第二张专辑 Move Along 于2005年发行。在第二张专辑里,他们延续了第一张同名专辑power-rock的风格。乐队最突出的优点是对节奏优秀的操控力,使原本42分钟长的专辑,听起来却像21分钟。  The All-American Rejects,Nick Wheeler想出了乐队名字中的All-American,因为他们都是美国人,TysonRitter想出了Rejects。乐队在90年代末期组建,歌手Ritter和吉他手Nick Wheeler是在高中时就在一次派对上认识的成立于1999年,那时ritter是21岁;吉他手,写歌人Nick Wheeler是23岁他们从远在俄克拉荷马州的Stillwarter跋涉到了纽约,录制他们的第一张唱片(销售成绩平平)他们只带了不足一千块钱的盘缠,但是带着一本写满歌的笔记本,怀揣着一个伟大的摇滚梦想,开车穿过内陆腹地,到达纽约。Ritter说:我觉得那样的一次经历简直是一部电影,我和Nick带着我们所有的圣诞节收到的压岁钱,就那么开着破车去了纽约,这对从Stillwater来的孩子来说,这不仅仅是一次历险。  在25岁的吉他手Mike Kennerty和26岁的鼓手Chris Gaylor的第一张单曲Swing Swing获得'每周流行唱片排行冠军后,Ritter和Wheeler他们接着加入了进来,四人开始进行世界巡演。 Swing Swing 这首单曲最初由俄亥俄州的独立厂牌Doghouse Records于October 2002发行,接着由大厂牌DreamWorks Records梦工厂唱片于February 2003再次出版发行。乐队在2003年发行了他们的首张同名专辑 The All-American Rejects ,朗朗上口的歌词,精彩的吉他和solo丝毫没让乐迷失望。专辑里的 Swing Swing 获得了2003年MTV音乐录影带最佳新人提名。  第一次亮相表现还不错,里面不乏好歌,并为第2张的腾飞做了个不错的踮脚石。  Move Along 发行时间:2005年07月12日  包括 Move Along 这首歌,Ritter和Wheeler花了10个月的时间在他们佛罗里达,达斯汀的临时住处(Ritter住在海滩,Wheeler他的干净的家庭工作室)进行创作。Ritter说我用Brian Wilson(是吉他别理解错了)进行写歌,在那,当你双脚站在沙子里,吉他放在大腿上,我感觉我真的就在海滩上。第二张专辑 Move Along 005年发行。在第二张专辑里,他们延续了第一张同名专辑power-rock的风格。 Move Along 让乐迷更为惊呼痛快的聆听到The All-American Rejects成员的创作天赋,拼贴更为多元的摇滚色彩,加附在原有的庞克声调中.在急速重拍的原始地下庞克音浪侵蚀下,给你最高能量的热力激荡.The All-American Rejects,可以叛逆,可以纯真,可以很有个性.乐队最突出的优点是对节奏优秀的操控力,使原本42分钟长的专辑,听起来却像21分钟。乐队看起来漫长的停滞调足了歌迷的胃口,但是当歌迷听到 The All-American Rejects 的新专辑Move Along(进行下去),他们终于明白Ritter和他的乐队确实花了时间和精力来打磨,精心制作这12首了不起的流行摇滚歌曲。  [编辑本段]Tyson Ritter  『主唱/贝斯/钢琴』  全名:Tyson Jay Ritter  绰号:TY  生日:1984-04-24  出生地:Origin Stillwater, Oklahoma  身高:6" 4' (1.93 m)  Tyson Jay Ritter出生于1984年4月24日,Tyson大部分时间都生活在俄克拉何马州的斯蒂尔沃特.作为一个AC/DC乐队的粉丝他开始喜欢摇滚乐.当他在中学时,音乐开始占据他的生命。他开始写属于自己的歌曲,直到高中时,他碰到Nick Wheeler,All- American Rejects的吉他手和键盘手。一个从喜欢的Def Leppard和Bon Jovi身上学会了吉他并且能快速的演奏的人.他们一起成立了最初的the All-American Rejects. 。到了2000年,另一个吉他手Mike kennerty 和鼓手Chris Gaylor加入乐队。在此之后,乐队正式出售唱片,创作摇滚乐。  其他信息  The All-American Rejects的主唱  超级名模Kim Smith的男友  父母离异  他为了追求他的梦想而提前一年结束学业  他最喜爱的食品有花生酱,麦片,披萨  [编辑本段]Nick Wheeler  『吉他/和声』  全名: Nickolas Don Wheeler  生日: 1982-03-20  出生地:Origin Stillwater, Oklahoma  父母: Terry and Robin  欣赏的歌手 : Def Leppard ,Journey, Styx ,Bon Jovi ,Guns n Roses, Poison 等等  擅长的乐器: 吉他, 鼓, 钢琴  Met Tyson in High school and formed the band.. When coming up with their name. he thought of the 'All American' Tyson thought of the 'Rejects'. He says that, that was their old band that they thought they were a punk band and it just fit. That band broke up. When Tyson and him reformed, writing songs they just kept it..  - When asked the q of whose a mama"s Boy He said,'I love my mama and my dog, I"m sorry'.  - Graduated from Stillwater High in 2000  *NEW FACTS*  - Nick HATED high school.  - He is a self-proclaimed 'momma"s boy' and 'poor white trash.'  - He performed a bunch of Garth Brooks songs for his 5th grade talent show.  - His favorite magazine is Guitar World.  [编辑本段]Mike Kennerty  『吉他/和声』  全名: Michael Brian Kennerty  生日:1980-07-20  出生地:Houston, Texas  简介  Mike Kennerty (born Michael Brian Kennerty on July 20, 1980 in Houston, Texas is the rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist for The All-American Rejects.  Kennerty is a founding member and guitarist of the punk band These Enzymes, along with bandmate and drummer, Chris Gaylor.  He produced and played guitar on Ben Weasel"s album These Ones Are Bitter. He is also the owner of Edmond Records, which specializes in colored vinyl pressings, including Ben Weasel"s latest album.  Kennerty has a love for Dr.Pepper and Taco Bell, at which he has said he used to work.[citation needed]  Mike uses variety of guitars, mainly his Gibson SG Standard in white, and multiple Washburn guitars. His choice in amps are the same as fellow AAR-guitarist Nick Wheeler, a Vox AC30 for both clean and dirty sound. Sometimes Mike uses a Marshall head and cab for dirty sound.  [编辑本段]Chris Gaylor  『鼓手』  全名:Christopher James Gaylor  生日:1979-04-11  Chris Gaylor (born Christopher James Gaylor April 11, 1979) is the drummer in the band The All-American Rejects.  Gaylor is a co-founding member and drummer of the punk band These Enzymes, alongside AAR bandmate and guitarist Mike Kennerty. He currently resides in Edmond, Oklahoma with Kennerty.  He played drums on Ben Weasel"s album, These Ones Are Bitter.  Chris has twenty six tattoos: AAR"s band logo on his right breast (like the other three members of AAR), the Hickey logo inside his right forearm, a panther on the inside of his biceps, a ship on his upper right arm, a wheel on his right elbow, a sparrow on his right forearm,an upset clown face on his right wrist, an anchor on his right forearm, a small black heart on the outside of his right thumb (like bandmember Tyson Ritter), the Tournado logo on his lower right leg, two sparrows holding a ribbon across the front of his clavicle, and a spider on the underside of his left armpit.  He and AAR will not be playing Warped Tour or the Simple Plan Tour due to studio recording on the next album going on longer then they had anticipated.


注:(以下内容我是从网上找的,不知道能不能帮到你..这些问题我也不怎么懂!!) 1.AES(Advanced Encryption Standard), AES是一个使用128为分组块的分组加密算法,分组块和128、192或256位的密钥一起作为输入,对4×4的字节数组上进行操作。AES的每一轮加密都包含4个阶段,分别是AddRoundKey,SubBytes,ShiftRows,和MixColumns。众所周之AES是种十分高效的算法,尤其在8位架构中,这源于它面向字节的设计。 AES 适用于8位的小型单片机或者普通的32位微处理器,并且适合用专门的硬件实现,硬件实现能够使其吞吐量(每秒可以到达的加密/解密bit数)达到十亿量级。同样,其也适用于RFID系统。[3]高效的实现和算法的免费使用为AES在无线局域网和后来出现的相关协议中的应用铺平了道路。 2.DESL(Data Encryption Standard Lightweight Extension), 数据加密标准(DES)是由美国联邦信息处理标准在1976年为美国选出的一种加密算法。作为一个分组加密算法,DES在64位大小的分组快上进行操作,其密钥同样也是64位。[10]DES的大致结构由Feistel网络组成,此网络中包括含有8个S-Boxes的16次完全相同的基本轮回,一次初始排列,一次最终排列和一个独立的密钥次序表。 3.XXTEA TEA微型加密算法最初是由David Wheeler和Roger Needham在1994年以Fast Software Encryption工作室的名义发表的,设计的重点在于描述与实现的简单性。它是一种分组加密算法,以128位的密钥对64位的分组块进行操作。[6]TEA遭受到等效密钥的困扰——每个密钥与其他是那个密钥是等效的,也就是说有效的密钥长度只有126位。此算法易受到相关密钥(Related Key)攻击法的攻击。

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