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Why do yoga? The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. Yoga lets you tune in, chill out, shape up -- all at the same time. For many people, that"s enough of an answer. But there"s more if you"re interested.For starters, yoga is good for what ails you. Specifically, research shows that yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress and other conditions and diseases. What"s more, yoga: Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and staminaReduces stress and tensionBoosts self esteemImproves concentration and creativityLowers fatImproves circulationStimulates the immune systemCreates sense of well being and calm.And that"s just the surface stuff. In fact, most of the benefits mentioned above are secondary to yoga"s original purpose.Developed in India, yoga is a spiritual practice that has been evolving for the last 5,000 years or so. The original yogis were reacting, in part, to India"s ancient Vedic religion, which emphasized rituals. The yogis wanted a direct spiritual experience -- one on one -- not symbolic ritual. So they developed yoga.Yoga means 'union' in Sanskrit, the classical language of India. According to the yogis, true happiness, liberation and enlightenment comes from union with the divine consciousness known as Brahman, or with Atman, the transcendent Self. The various yoga practices are a methodology for reaching that goal. In hatha yoga, for example, postures and breathing exercises help purify the mind, body and spirit so the yogi can attain union. Pranayama breathing exercises help clear the nadis, or channels, that carry prana the universal life force, allowing prana to flow freely. When the channels are clear and the last block at the base of the spine has been opened, Kundalini rises through the spine, through the central channel called the sushumna-nadi, and joins the crown chakra. According to the tradition, the release of Kundalini leads to enlightenment and union. If you do yoga will you become enlightened? Well…you might (of course, it could take a few lifetimes of diligent practice). But then again you might not. But it doesn"t really matter because yoga is a process, and there"s a lot of good to be had along the way. What if you don"t believe in talk about enlightenment, spirit and the rest of it? That"s okay, too. Yoga doesn"t discriminate. Even if you don"t believe in the spiritual side of life, you can still do yoga. Whether enlightenment, nadis, prana and Kundalini is literal truth, metaphor or myth is irrelevant. If you do yoga, chances are that you will feel its psycho-physiological effects. Moreover, the concept of union has a powerful down-to-Earth meaning. Yoga helps us get in touch with our true selves.Between work, home and all of the demands and stresses in between, it"s easy to lose touch with who we are, that core essence with which we were born. Rushing around all day it sometimes feels like the 'I' inside is simply the result of the things we do all day -- or the effects those things have on our minds, bodies and spirits.Ever say 'I am hungry' or 'I am stressed'? We identify with our conditions. It"s like 'hungry' or 'stressed' is a name (Hi. I"m Stressed. What"s your name?) As a result, our identities shift with our moods and conditions.In truth, however, we are not the conditions we experience or things we do. We are not our jobs or the thousands of tasks that make up our jobs. We are not the sensations or emotions we feel. We are not the car we drive or the house we live in. We are not 'S/he Who Must Pay Bills.' We are not Mr. and Ms. Stressed. Strip away the emotions, sensations and conditions and somewhere deep down inside you are still there. Strip it all away and you find out who you really are.The techniques developed by the yogis to transcend also help us strip away the things that try to mis-define us -- the emotions, sensations, desires, achievements and failures of daily life. Through yoga we learn to develop a greater awareness of our physical and psychological states. As a result, we"re in a position to better manage our reactions to the thoughts, feelings and responses we have to the various situations we deal with every day. With greater awareness comes the sensitivity and skill to find and remove the physical and psychological blocks that often keep us from our true selves. We no longer identify with our conditions. Instead of saying, 'I am stressed,' we begin to say, 'I feel stress,' or 'stress is present.' It"s a subtle but powerful difference. Or better yet, we say 'I feel anxiety and fear, and that"s causing stress and in particular it"s causing tension in my neck and shoulder.' So we breathe deeply to soothe the anxiety. We review the events that led to the onset of those feelings, and in the process they lose their grip on our nervous system. We intentionally relax our shoulder and neck to prevent the stress and tension from building into a permanent condition.Yoga gives us control of ourselves. It helps cut through the layers of mis-identities that arise in response to our actions, experiences and feelings. It calms the frenzy, clears the clutter and allows us to get back in touch with ourselves. Yoga is union with self. Or, as Patanjali, one of the great yoga sages, said: Yogashcittavrittinirodhah (Yoga stills the fluctuations of the mind). Tada drashthuh svarupe" vasthanam (Then the true self appears.)However, yoga is not about self-absorption. Yoga is about being in the world. Although most books, videos and websites focus on yoga postures, breathing and meditation, the tradition also emphasizes love, compassion, knowledge and right action as paths toward union. Whether you pursue yoga as a spiritual path or for its psycho-physiological benefits, yoga is a methodology for developing a deeper experience of your self and the world.And it makes you feel really good.


  姓名:郑恺   英文名:Ryan   出生日期:1986.4.17   所属人群:85后   出生地:产房   国籍(城市):中国 上海   身高:176cm   体重:65kg   星座:白羊座   血型:AB   学校:上海戏剧学院表04本科   兴趣/特长:表演,主持,篮球,赛车,唱歌,舞蹈, HIPHOP,ROCK   癖好:照镜子   口头禅:完了!懒B附身!   最喜欢的颜色:蓝   口头禅:处古类,哟高西波(韩语)   最爱吃的食物:牛肉拉面   最喜欢的娱乐:把妹   择偶标准:可爱+性感   最喜欢的动画人物:森林好小子   最想去的城市:东京   最喜欢的演员:Robert De Niro   最喜欢的影片:《愤怒的公牛》   志向:赚点小钱发个小财买个小岛当个小皇帝   遗愿:睡在超级牛的棺材里,抛到太空中,再被外星人救活   中文名:金世佳 Kim   英文名:Kim   性 别:男   生 日:1986年   身 高:188CM   体 重:84KG   就读院校:上海戏剧学院表演系   学 历:本科在读   职 业:学生、演员   血 型:O型   星 座:天蝎座   国 籍:中国   籍 贯:上海市   家庭成员:父母、自己、妹妹   技能或特长: 游泳、表演   兴趣爱好:音乐、电影、打球   最自豪的事:比赛得奖   最感动的人:军人   欣赏的明星:田村正和   喜欢的动物:狗、马   喜欢的电影:《坏小子》   喜欢的书籍:理论方面的、人物传记   最大的优点: 比较清楚的认识自己   最大的缺点:与人交流有些困难   中文名:李立   籍贯:湖南长沙   生日:1981.12.15   星 座:射手座   血 型:A型   学历:上海戏剧学院本科2000级   身高:179CM   体重:65KG   演艺经历   电视剧:   《我为歌狂》 饰 楚天歌 导演:徐宏辉   《大汉天子Ⅱ》 饰 霍去病 导演:范秀明   《错爱一生》 饰 涂小震 导演:梁山   《我拿什么爱你》饰 石磊 导演:唐伟成   《江湖俏佳人》 饰 朱小龙 导演:蒲滕晋   《新醉打金枝》 饰 李修文 导演: 陆剑明 成志超   《济公新传》 饰 秦公子 导演:张国立   《金岸》 饰 建文   《烈火雄心》 饰 常征   《开漳胜王》 饰 蓝云柯   《天伦劫》 饰 葛明 导演:林添   《我是一棵小草》饰小王 导演:澄 丰   《天师钟馗之美丽传说》饰 王富曲   获奖:   2003年度第二届金鹰电视新秀大赛全国亚军   姓名:高昊   生日:8月4日   星座:狮子座   血型:A型   身高:177CM   体重:65KG   学历:上海戏剧学院表演系2000级   ☆最喜爱的食品:火锅   ☆最喜爱的甜品:巧克力   ☆最喜爱的动物:企鹅   ☆最喜爱的植物:花   ☆最喜爱的颜色:黑色,白色   ☆最喜爱的影视明星:姜文   ☆最喜爱的歌手:信   精分教主   姓 名: 黄明   籍 贯: 中国 湖北   性 别: 男   身 高: 180cm   所在地:中国   生 肖:虎   学 历: 北京电影学院表演系   生 日 :1986年4月   职 业: 歌手 、演员   签约公司:中圣春秋影视文化   所属经纪公司:“中圣春秋影视文化(北京)有限公司”

276655906 2020-02-14

生日:08月17日 星座:狮子座 8月17日 爆发力强的人 8月17日出生的人拥有强大的爆发力,和生于8月16日的人一样,精力充沛;此外,他们之间还有一些共通处,但今天出生的人比较热衷于主掌大局,这种喜欢控制的欲望,正是人世间精力充沛的能量来源。大多数8月17日出生的人,不管是男是女,本质上皆属支配性的权威主义者,他们无法忍受对他们威权任何挑战,无论是身为父母、教师、军人或甚至是朋友。事实上,当别人对他们这种想控制他人的脾气加以反抗的时候,这些今天出生的人就会陷入情绪的低潮。 矛盾的是,有些8月17日出生的人却可以表现出安静、甚至是孤僻的个性,只想过着不被外人干扰的私生活。在工作或一般社交范围之外,他们偏好独处,虽然有时候他们表现得很善于交际,甚至过着“夜夜笙歌”的生活,但他们绝不是轻浮的好出风头者,不会将精力浪费在华而不实的夸耀上。不过,这些出生于这一天的人虽然具有某种优雅与迷人的气质,外观却十分冷峻,让人难以亲近。 对8月17日出生的人来说,他们最大的挑战,就是控制住好争论的个性,因为伴随着这种个性的往往就是对他人的敌意与防御,如果不加以驾驭的话,不仅会为他们树立众多敌人,还会使朋友与家人对他们逐渐疏离。了解与爱他们的人,或许会试着去适应他们难以驾驭的精力,并准备随时原谅他们冲动的言辞与行为,但是,如果任由他们自由发展的话,终有一发不可收拾的不良后果出现。 就心理学的观点来看,8月17日出生的人的这种行为,可能是儿童时期发展出的不安全感与自卑感在作崇,最典型的情况是他们和父母中的某一方(通常是和自己同性别的一方)相处得非常糟糕,心中对她或他既爱又恨。此外,他们很可能并不曾花工夫去真正了解自己,因此,一旦碰上不如意的事,就只会沮丧与挫折,从来没想过从经验中记取教训。或许,心理咨询师能帮他们多认识自己一点。 如果精力运用得当的话,由于今天出生的人思考相当深入与周全,因此,在许多方面都能给人相当大的启发或帮助。虽然8月17日出生的人很少心怀鬼胎,但他们却很可能被一种他们无法掌控的力量所驱使,导致出现不按牌理出牌的行动。有很多种心理训练方法可以帮他们处理这股如“火山岩浆”的精力,例如,学着去感应事发前的征光,并且在风暴降临前先安抚自己的情绪。 幸运数字和守护星 8月17日出生的人会受到数字8与土星的影响。由于土星象征严肃,因此8月17日出生的人对自己和别人也比较一丝不苟。太阳(狮子座的主宰行星)和土星的双重影响,会带来一种格外负责任的态度,但同时却可能产生缺乏勇气的个性。数字8则会带来物质与精神世界之间的冲突,所以大体而言,这些受数字8影响的人比较孤独,而且有纵容自己的倾向。 健康 8月17日出生的人会受到数字8与土星的影响。由于土星象征严肃,因此8月17日出生的人对自己和别人也比较一丝不苟。太阳(狮子座的主宰行星)和土星的双重影响,会带来一种格外负责任的态度,但同时却可能产生缺乏勇气的个性。数字8则会带来物质与精神世界之间的冲突,所以大体而言,这些受数字8影响的人比较孤独,而且有纵容自己的倾向。 建议 适当的时候,要使自己的强度变得柔和一点。在夜阑人静的时候检视自己的行为动机,会让你更加了解自己。从日常生活中观察自己,并学着在脾气发作之前感应到它的征光,不妨以轻松的心情看待一切。 名 人 劳伯迪尼洛(Robert De Niro)美国电影演员与画家,曾主演《教父续集》、《蛮牛》,分别获得奥斯卡最佳男配角及最佳男主角奖,其他作品有《四海兄弟》等。 美国拓荒传奇英雄及国会议员克罗克特(Davy Crockett)。 美国电影演员西恩潘(Sean Penn),为好莱坞的“坏男孩”,曾经是麦当娜的丈夫,代表影片有《我的爸爸是强盗》、《越过死亡线》等。 美国电影制作人与片商高德温(Samuel Goldwyn)。 梅蕙丝(Mae West)美国电影女演员与性感偶像,活到88高龄。由于她的胸部非常丰满,所以充气式救生衣也称为Mae West。 世界西洋棋大赛的俄国冠军波维尼克(Mikhail Botvinnik),曾三次夺得冠军宝座,是西洋棋界的大师。 塔罗牌 大秘仪塔罗牌的第17张是“星星”,画面上是一位赤身裸体的少女,在星空下一边把清新的池水浇灌在焦干的土地上,同时用另一把勺子使死水复苏。她代表世间生命的光荣,但也代表了受物质与感官的奴役。因此,天空的星星永远在提醒她:别忘了还有一个更高层次的精神世界存在。 静思语 摸鼻子的意思就是“不”。 优点 多才多艺、有活力、不做作。 缺点 脾气暴躁、充满敌意、冷漠。

329669237 2020-02-09