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起亚 起亚(进口)-Telluride

1.tell the time and date 说明时间和日期收藏指正 2.Can Mary tell the time yet ? 玛丽能看得懂钟表的走时吗?收藏指正 3.The child can not tell the time yet . 那个孩子还看不懂钟表的走时。收藏指正 4.He can not tell the time. 他不知道现在是几点几刻。收藏指正 5.Little Mary can now tell the time 小玛丽现在会认钟了。收藏指正 6.My child can already tell the time by the clock. 我的孩子已经能认钟表了。收藏指正 7.My youngest daughter has just learnt to tell the time. 我最小的女儿刚学会看表。收藏指正 8.Can you tell me the time? 你能告诉我瑞在几点吗?收藏指正 9.Could you tell my the time? 能告诉我几点了吗?收藏指正 10.Can you tell me the time, please? 请告诉我现在几点了?


Tell Me 宣美:no都那就啊哈就了某拉艘 欧就谬就啊 no木那就啊 古满噶他艘那 乃家新嫩家古够几bou把 no木那就啊 绍熙:你噶那儿后西安就啊哈噶把 红家欧儿吗那爱太无几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪含大你 欧某 他西寒bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 宣美:哦就乃卡丝米一楼开堆你 卡丝米穷吗 头几够噶他 你噶那bou带谬穷gi爱刚就堆撒浪求楼 穷gi噶哦拉 绍熙:哦儿吗那哦来ki大林几某拉 哦儿吗那哦来古过嫩几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪喊大你 哦某 他西喊bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell me you Want me Want me Want me too Tell me Tell me Tell me you Love me too Love me too 绍熙:哦儿吗那哦来ki大林几某拉 哦儿吗那哦来古过嫩几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪喊大你 哦某 他西喊bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 ------------------------------------------ 罗马拼音: Tell me   ne do naer zo a haer zu ren moer la se   e ze muen zo a ne mu na zo a   gum man ga ta se na   niae za xin ner za gu go ji be ba   ne mu na zo a   ni ga naer hog xi an zo a haer ga ba   hon za er ma na ae tiae wun ji moer la   ge ren diae ni ga naer sa rang han da ni   e me na xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   na rer sa rang har da go   naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   za gu man deg go xi pe   giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo   e zem niae ga sern mi yi re kiae du:ni   ga sem mi zeng maer te jier geg ga ta   ni ga naer boer diae mien   zen gi ae gam zen duae sa ram ce rem   zen gi ga oer la   er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la   er ma na o riae gum gue nen ji moer la   ge ren diae ni ga naer su rang han da ni   e na da xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   na rer sa rang har da go   naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   za gu man deg go xi pe   giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too Tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too   er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la   er ma na o riae gum gun nen ji moer la   ge ren diae ni ga nuer sa rang han da ni   e me nu xi han ben muer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   na rer sa rang har da go   naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   za gu man deg go xi pe   giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me   gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo

2518657 2020-01-10