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奔驰Vision Tokyo舒适性怎么样

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奔驰Vision Tokyo舒适性怎么样

型 号:06款新天籁230JK 天窗版 车 型:豪华型 三厢轿车 生产厂商:东风日产 上市时间:2006 最近更新:2008.06.27 优 点:动力充沛,乘坐舒适,车厢隔音效果很好,内部设计更趋人性化 缺 点:缺乏手动档车型令人遗憾 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版--参数 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版-基本资料 车型名称 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版 车体结构 三厢轿车 豪华级别 豪华型 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版-引擎参数 标准引擎 VQ23DE 标准变速器 自动 4档 标准排量 2349 cc 气 门 数 最大功率 127/6000 KW/rpm 最大扭矩 221/4400 N·m/rpm 燃油系统 电子燃油喷射式 理论油耗 10.3 升/百公里 最高时速 km/h 加速时间 10.4 秒(0-100km/h) 排放标准 欧Ⅲ标准 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版-转向/悬挂/轮胎 驱动方式 前置前驱 制动方式 碟/碟(前/后) 转向助力 助力转向式 悬挂方式 滑柱式独立前悬架/多连杆式独立后悬架(前/后) 轮毂尺寸 轮 胎 205/65HR16 尺寸和重量 车身重量 1545 kg 轴 距 2775 mm 轮 距 1530/1535 mm(前/后) 全车长度 4845 mm 车身宽度 1765 mm 车身高度 1475 mm 通过性 最小转弯半径 m 最小离地间隙 mm 最大爬坡度 % 接近角 ° 离去角 ° 货舱容积 行李舱容积 506 L 油箱容积 70 L 标准座位数 06款新天籁230JK 天窗版-配置 外观/内饰 前雾灯 LED尾灯 后雾灯 高位刹车灯 电动天窗 铝合金轮圈 真皮座椅 真皮方向盘 自动开闭卤素前大灯 前风挡防紫外线高效隔热玻璃 HMI大型中控台 大型枫木纹内饰 真皮排挡杆 迎宾踏板 Fine vision 组合仪表 车外温度显示 顶置高级眼镜盒 前/后座阅读灯 舒适性配置 防眩目内后视镜 自动恒温空调 后排中央扶手 智能遥控钥匙系统(车门/行李箱开关) 空调花粉过滤器 后席空调出风口 驾驶席电动8向调节 6+1碟高保真剧院CD音响系统 电动调节格纳车外后视镜 电加热/除雾车外后视镜 驾驶席电动防夹车窗 车速感应式雨刮器 行李箱应急开启系统 后席头枕高度可调节 延时熄灭车内照明灯 车辆安全/防盗配置 ABS防抱死制动系统 EBD电子制动力分配系统 智能型SRS双安全气囊 预紧式前座椅三点式安全带 后座椅三点式安全带 前席主动安全保护头枕 车速感应式车门自动上锁装置 冲击感应式车门自动开锁装置 发动机防盗器 其他功能配置 全尺寸备胎 5.8英寸多功能液晶显示屏 06款天籁图片库 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁 06款天籁


唉,翻了一点实在没兴趣,本身没难度,内容也没意思……去google翻译吧,将就着也能看懂。 The Role of Comfort in Product Design 舒适性在产品设计中的角色 The Evolution of the Car Seat, the Backpack and the Vegetable Peeler 汽车座椅、背包和蔬菜削皮器 The Irresistible, Irreplaceable Quality that Links These Products with the New Logitech Comfort Wave Keyboard 难以抗拒的、不可替代的品质,是它们与新型罗技舒适波浪型键盘的共同点 We put up with discomfort when we don’t have an alternative. We put up with it until something 在没有选择的时候我们提供不够适用的东西,一直到有更好的东西出现。 better appears. And once in a while something new comes along that makes such a strong 偶尔出现一个新的东西,它带来的冲击性能使我们产生依赖性, impact that we come to depend on it, to expect it to provide comfort, to feel that we deserve it. 希望它能提供舒适感、觉得我们应该拥有它。 We know a product’s redesign is successful when we find ourselves unable to believe that we 当我们觉察到自己不能相信我们曾经用过它的前一代时,或者更好的是,完全忘记老的设计曾经存在过那 ever used the previous version, or, better still, forget that the old design ever existed at all. 我们就知道一个产品的重新设计是成功的。 If comfort is something we all value once we have it, why do we put up with so much discomfort in 如果舒适性是我们拥有某物品的时候都追求的东西,为什么我们要让我们的生活充满不适感呢? our everyday lives? We sit in old, worn seats at the movie theater, our bodies sore from sitting in 我们坐在电影院老旧的座椅上,因为长时间相同的姿势我们的身体都感到酸痛了 the same position for an extended amount of time. We type on our keyboards and stare at our 我们在键盘上打字,一次性连续注视着电脑屏幕数小时。 computer screens for hours at a time. And, as the hours go by, we slouch, our vision blurs, and our necks and backs begin to ache. 随着时间过去,我们逐渐失去精神,实现模糊,脖子和背也开始痛了。 Fortunately, some products – such as the car seat, the backpack, the vegetable peeler and, with 幸运的是,某些产品-例如汽车座椅、背包、蔬菜削皮器和 the introduction of the Logitech Comfort Wave Design, the computer keyboard – capture the 在介绍罗技舒适波浪型的设计之后的电脑键盘—吸引了那些 attention of individuals or companies dedicated to making them more comfortable, more in line 一心想要让他们自己更加舒适、更加人性化的个人和公司的注意力。 with the human form. When those individuals or companies are successful, the design shift sets a new standard for comfort that we wouldn’t want to live without. 当这些个人或者公司成功时,设计的变化就为大家都离不开的舒适性树立了一个新标准 The Car Seat: Comforting the Weary Commuter 汽车座椅:让疲劳的通勤客更加舒适 In every city of the world, we see them: the weary commuter. Maybe you’re among them. 在世界的每个城市,我们都能看到他们:疲劳的每天都要坐车的上班族。也许你就是其中一员。 The American Association of State Highway and Transportation estimates that in 2005, traffic congestion kept Americans sitting for 79 million additional hours in their cars. In Los Angeles, rush-hour traffic delays added 93 hours to the commute. 美国州际公路和运输协会估计,在2005年交通拥挤让美国人在汽车中多浪费了7900万小时。在洛杉矶,繁忙时段的交通让通勤延迟了额外的93小时。(I’m confused with these words… ╮(╯3╰)╭ ) According to Edmund King, the executive director of the RAC Foundation for Motoring, England is a nation of car commuters. “We have the longest commute in Europe,” King told the BBC, “and even if our commuting time doubled most of us would just shrug and leave more time for the journey.” 按照RAC汽车基金会执行官Edmund King的说法,England是一个依赖汽车通勤的国家。“我们在欧洲有最长的上下班时间”,King在BBC中如此说,“哪怕我们的通勤时间翻倍,我们中的多数人也只是耸耸肩然后花更多的时间在上下班交通中。” The New Yorker magazine states that people working in Bangkok travel two hours every day to and from work. And, Business Week reports that traffic jams in the Indian city of Bangalore can cause up to four-hour commutes! 纽约人杂志声明,在曼谷工作的人每天上下班要花两小时。商业周刊则报道在印度城市班加罗尔的交通拥挤能造成长达4小时的上下班时间! Fortunately, car-seat design has improved tremendously. It wasn’t always so comfortable and the evolution from bench seat to bucket seat is a story of gradual evolution. 幸运的是,汽车座椅的设计让这种煎熬大为改观。它以前可不是这么舒适的,从长条椅到凹背座椅的改变是一个逐步演变的故事。 Karl Benz’s 1885 Motorwagen had a hard, wood bench seat that stretched from driver to passenger and a thin, curved beam that hit the upper back, providing minimal support. Though many later iterations of the bench seat had padded upholstery and more substantial back support, these bench seats were often fixed in one position. If you couldn’t reach the pedals or the wheel, you had to perch on the edge of the seat. Karl Benz在1885年设计的机动式马车有一个硬硬的木头长椅,从驾驶员那儿延伸到乘客那里,还有个薄的弯条顶住上背,提供最低限度的支撑。虽然之后对长椅座的很多重复都增加了车内装饰和更牢靠的背部支持,但这些长条椅都固定在一个姿势。如果你够不到踏板,那你就得吊在椅子边缘歇着。

24de225n71 2018-04-26
Vision Tokyo经销商