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特斯拉 MODEL X怎么样专家点评

特斯拉 特斯拉(进口)-Model X
特斯拉 MODEL X怎么样专家点评

貌似是叫布伦瑞克透镜模型,这个模型解释了专家如何在一定情况下收到反馈,与引导判断和经济计量模型有关。引导判断模型可以为判断者提供他预测关系效果的反馈,而计量经济模型则可以提供真实关系的信息。假设计量经济模型可以对于关系作出更好的预测,那么这种反馈就可以被看作是改善专家预测的更有效的方法。 结构基本就是中间为变量(就是那个透镜),而两边分别为引导预测和计量经济预测,通过双方的关系相连。 具体可以参见Brunswik, E. (1955),Newton, J. R. (1965),Stewart (2001)。


学习模式有这些: discussion based learning cooperative learning problem based learning (PBL) project based learning 等等,还有多元智能等. 你在网上输入 teaching style/ learning model / teaching model 就有很多内容了。教育学/心理学方面提出了非常多的理论模式.上面几个只是我记得的. 下面是几段话,是关于discussion based learning, cooperative learning 和多元智能的.这是很简单的介绍. Firstly, Discussion based learning , provoke higher order thinking. Different from lecture mode, where students only listens, It allows two way information travel. During English lesson, Mr Ong can give a topic, for example, a piece of hot news that will interest their age group, let the pupils to comment on it , to exchange ideas, then write something or say a few words about it. We also recommend Cooperative learning, It’s becoming more and more popula. as its name suggests, student learn in a cooperative way. It’s becoming more and more popular. Students are divided into groups, Each member to learn specific topic of content, and help other members to understand it. The assignment’s success relies on the performance and contribution of all the members. During English lesson, Mr Ong can assign a topic , for example, Singapore’s Water Issue. To discuss about this topic, the pupils might need to learn what natural water resources Singapore has, what are the means that Singapore adopts to meet it’s needs for fresh water, what is being done on water recycle, and what is the research direction in future etc. Each member takes one topic and go to read about it, and then share their findings with the group, the group then organize all findings into a structured report. Alternatively, each topic can be assigned to a group, and each group have a more detailed study, then present to the whole class. (4:30) As time is limited, we lastly look at Multiple intelligence. According to Howard Gardner, each individual has a combination of different intelligence, namely, visual, linguistic, logical & mathematical , musical, body & kinesthetic , naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Individual learns better when using more than one of the several intelligence. During writing lessons, mr Ong can combine one or two other intelligence with writing, to name a few, visual, naturalistic or kinesthetic. For example, bring the pupils to science garden or outside park to get closer to natural lifes, to develop naturalistic intelligence, Alternatively, ask the pupils to write their scripts and then act out the play, which trains linguistic, body & kinesthetic intelligence . In this way, writing lesson will not longer be boring. Mr Ong doesn't have to fight a war with Adam and his pals, the naughty ones will be dying to join, instead, if they are not behaving, asking them to stay away will be an effective deterrent.

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